Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Arlington As spring and summer get started and the cold weather starts to clear, work will begin on transportation projects throughout Arlington County. Along the Metro corridor and south towards Columbia Pike, construction projects are planned to improve pedestrian safety and accessibility.
1. Cherrydale “Five Points” Intersection Improvements
Construction will begin in June on a series of improvements coming to Cherrydale’s “Five Points” intersection. The majority of the improvements will benefit pedestrians and bicyclists. Bike lanes will be added to the Military Road and N. Quincy Street. The sidewalk will be widened with ADA curb ramps included, and improvements will be made to the crosswalks.
2. Lee Highway and Glebe Road Intersection Improvements
Improvements to Lee Highway and Glebe Road will provide left turn lanes on both north and southbound Glebe Road to improve traffic flow. The project also includes utility undergrounding, sidewalk and transit access improvements.
The first phase of construction, utility undergrounding, began in January. This process will take 18 months. Construction is currently taking place in the surrounding parking lots, not on Lee Highway or Glebe Road. Work will move to the main roadways within the next few months. Construction work hours within the roadway will be 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Night work will occur between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. on weekdays and weekends. During project work hours, lane closures will be set up, closing a single lane of traffic in one or both directions along Lee Highway and/or Glebe Road.
3. Ballston Station Multimodal Improvements
Several surface-level improvements are coming to the Ballston-MU Metrorail station. The improvements largely focus around adding to the multimodal transfers at the station, with expanded bus bays and new bus shelters, dedicated spaces for taxis, carshares, shuttles and kiss-and-ride. Construction is anticipated to start in late spring and early summer 2017. The county will maintain Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility to the Metro and nearby businesses throughout construction.
4. Carlin Springs Road Bridge
The Carlin Springs Road bridge that crosses over George Mason Drive will be demolished and replaced with a new one with improved safety features for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. The replacement bridge will include wider sidewalks on the bridge, additional bike lanes along Carlin Springs Road, four general travel lanes and enhanced lighting on and under the bridge. Construction is scheduled to take place in late summer and early fall, 2017.
5. Arlington Boulevard at Irving Street, Park Drive and Manchester Street Intersection Improvements
Safety improvement projects are scheduled for three intersections along Arlington Boulevard. Street lighting, crosswalk visibility and sidewalk improvement work will take place at the intersections with Irving Street, Park Drive and Manchester Street. Construction is anticipated to start in spring 2017. No road closures are planned for the project and bus stop access will be maintained.
6. Columbia Pike - Four Mile Run to Fairfax County Line
As part of the Columbia Pike Multimodal Improvements project, streetscape improvements are planned for Columbia Pike at three intersections on the western end of the road. Improvements include wider sidewalks, new street lights, and new bus shelters.
Washington Gas relocations at the site will begin March 2017, followed by utility undergrounding and utility upgrades in summer 2017 with streetscape improvements to follow. Traffic disruptions and lane closures are expected while Washington Gas crews are in the street.
7. Columbia Pike Bike Boulevard - 9th St. S. from S. Wayne St. to S. Highland St.
Curb extensions and ADA curb ramps are coming to four intersections along 9th Street South. New signage will mark bike lanes along the nearby roads. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2017.
8. Washington Boulevard Trail
Phase 2 of a project to link the Arlington Boulevard Trail to Towers Park and Columbia Pike will begin in spring 2017. The trail extensions will link from the existing past along Washington Boulevard to bike and pedestrian facilities on Columbia Pike and in Pentagon City. The network extension is part of ongoing efforts to address limited north-south in this area of the County.
9. Long Bridge Drive Utility Undergrounding & Roadway Realignment
At the northern end of Crystal City, utility undergrounding and utility connections are underway. The added utility connections are necessary for the planned Long Bridge Park and aquatic, health and fitness facility planned at the site. Utility undergrounding began in late 2016 and is expected to continue to summer 2017. Work hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday with Long Bridge Drive reduced to one travel lane during those hours.
Phase Two of the project will involve roadway realignment, scheduled to start in summer 2017 following the utility undergrounding.