Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Fresh Voices Kept Off Stage

In reading the Connection’s lengthy story about the gubernatorial debate in McLean (“Rorschach Politics,” Connection, Sept. 27-Oct. 3, 2017), I was amazed that you did not even mention that there is a third candidate on the ballot for Governor: Cliff Hyra, the Libertarian Party candidate. Cliff is a patent/intellectual property attorney who works for a firm here in Reston. He lives in a Richmond suburb with his wife and four children.

Not only did the Connection fail to mention that Mr. Hyra is a third candidate running for Governor who is already qualified to appear on the ballot, you failed to mention that he was in the debate hall that evening. And not only did the Connection fail to mention that Cliff Hyra was in the debate hall, you failed to mention that the Democrat and Republican candidates conspired to keep him off the stage, and out of the debate. The Ds and Rs don’t want your readers to even hear a fresh, engaging, alternative choice.

The Democrat and Republican crony capitalists in the Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce, the sponsor of this farce, acquiesced in this charade. Whoever becomes Governor, I’m sure the Ds and Rs will “take care” of their friends in the Chamber for helping to silence alternative voices.

The Democrat and Republican parties regularly keep alternative political parties out of debates. They’ve been doing it for decades. Consider just last year’s presidential debates: the two old parties kept Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who was on the ballot in 45 states and D.C., and Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, who was on the ballot in all 50 states and D.C., out of all the debates.

For readers who are sick and tired of the two old political parties and the games they play, and the way the Democrats and Republicans try to keep citizens ignorant, readers can learn for themselves about Cliff Hyra here: cliffhyra.com and here: Facebook.com/CliffHyra/

Steve Resz
