Thursday, October 3, 2019
A mound of whipped cream melts into the chocolate chip mint hot fudge sundae and drips down the side of the cup. Beer and lemonade in plastic cups disappear in a hurry. It's a hot day at the Fourth annual Arlington Thrive BBQ, Boots and Bingo fundraiser on Saturday.
"Everyone ready?" Waists gyrate as large rings spin in circles in the hula-hoop contest. A moon bounce sits nearby with a slide propelling almost four-year-old James Chroninger to the ground with a thud. TJ "the DJ" Schultz spins tunes for the crowd. He attends Swanson Middle School and has been running his business for two years.
Karen Keyes and her husband Paul Ferguson, Clerk of the Circuit Court for
Arlington County and the City of Falls Church, enjoy barbecue with coleslaw and potato salad. Since it's hard to decide which barbecue, a taste of everything seems the best decision.
Nearby picnic tables are spread with bingo cards and colored dots to mark the numbers. N33. N43. Anyone close?
Andrew Schneider, Executive Director of Thrive, doesn't stay in one place very long, making sure everything is running smoothly and greeting people in the crowd. John Vihstadt, former Arlington County Board Member and a sponsor of the event, chats with Tegan Holtzman and Teresa Gido who are strong supporters of Thrive. Charles Meng, Executive Director of AFAC, watches his grandson slip and slide in the moon bounce.
Thrive is the only nonprofit in Arlington that provides same-day emergency assistance to Arlington residents who cannot pay their rent, utilities or medical care. All funds raised at the event will go directly to support individuals, children and families to meet their basic needs as a part of Arlington's vital safety net.