Food Security Mini-Grants

The Arlington County Department of Human Services (DHS) on Monday, Sep. 25, 2023, launched a $150,000 grant funding program to support local organizations’ efforts to address food insecurity in the community. 

“We are excited to launch this new funding opportunity for community organizations to develop creative solutions to food insecurity in Arlington," said DHS Director Anita Friedman. "The Strategic Plan identifies a number of broad strategies, and we look forward to seeing innovative proposals that support those strategies."

Arlington adopted a Food Security Strategic Plan (Executive Summary PDF) in Oct. 2022 and identified 28 strategies in five categories that would support the improvement of food security in Arlington.

Funding is available to local organizations implementing selected aspects of the Strategic Plan. Applicants must be a 501(c)(3) or faith-based organizations.

Grants can range from $2,500 to $25,000. Organizations may apply for up to three projects with a total grant request totaling no more than $60,000. A separate application must be submitted for each project proposal. A total of $150,000 in one-time funding is available.

Applications are now open and are being accepted until Monday, Oct. 30, at 5 p.m. Funding awards will be announced in December 2023, and recipients will be required to sign the FY 2024 Food Security Mini-Grants Program Grant Agreement with the County. Funds must be spent by organizations before June 30, 2024.

View the full notice of funding availability for eligible activities, reporting requirements, and additional grant guidelines.

Questions about this NOFA should be directed to Stephanie Hopkins, Food Security Coordinator, at or 703-228-1065 before the application deadline. A summary of questions asked, and the County’s responses, will be posted by Oct. 16, 2023.

Arlington Food Security Coalition

Arlington’s Food Security Coalition oversees the implementation of the Food Security Strategic Plan that was developed in 2022 and serves to coordinate, collaborate, and share information about food security activities occurring in the county. It is a continuation of the work the Food Security Task Force did in 2021-22, including pursuing the mission and vision that the Task Force developed:

Vision: A community where all have enough healthy food to feed themselves and their families.

Mission: To create an interconnected food security system in Arlington that works together to meet its residents’ need to feed themselves and their families, healthy and culturally appropriate food, in an affordable and dignified manner.