Wednesday, January 8, 2025
WOW, 2025! Here we are again at the start of a new year, full of possibility, changes, new connections and so much more. I am inspired, energized and so very thankful for all of you and to our vibrant community.
In 2024, we made incredible progress on many new initiatives and projects. We launched the illegal truck parking reporter tool, expanded our communications with you and created new opportunities in early childhood education and mental health. We welcomed new businesses, introduced the CEO (Council for Economic Opportunities) business roundtable and the CORE (Connecting Opportunities and Resources for Entrepreneurs) initiatives, celebrated the groundbreaking of the final phase of the OMVHS redevelopment project and opened a new concessions and restrooms building in partnership with Woodlawn Little League. Take a look at the infographic for some additional data we collected from the year.
Looking ahead, 2025 will be filled with more progress, excitement and getting stuff done in the MVD (Mount Vernon District)! This year, we’ll celebrate the opening of the newly renovated Mount Vernon Rec Center, begin site planning for the new Mount Vernon Governmental Center and launch a brand-new forum for smaller Mount Vernon businesses. We’ll also advance the Lorton Visioning 2040 Plan Amendments, work on increasing Housing for All and break ground on the new Gunston Fire Station and I-95 Complex 5MW solar field. We’ll also kick off new events, like our Nation’s 250th anniversary celebrations with our Potomac Banks partners and a fun MVD Summer Palooza here at the Mount Vernon Governmental Center.
Alongside these initiatives, we must all strongly advocate for increased state funding for our schools. Our budget challenges this year are driven by continuing needs to keep our highly rated schools funded. Schools are seeing increased needs that are not being met by the state, as was recently highlighted in a state study identifying that we should receive at least $600M more from Virginia. This funding could reduce property owners’ average tax bill by $1,300 annually. Please reach out and talk to the governor, lieutenant governor and your state representatives about this critical need. Click here for contact information for our representatives (
There is much more to tell you about our 2024 accomplishments and 2025 focus and investments, so keep your eyes peeled for our annual mailer – Supervisor Dan Storck’s Advisor – coming to your mailbox later this month.
I wish each and every one of you a happy, healthy and prosperous new year filled with hope, kindness, learning and compassion for yourself and for others.