Election / National

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Arlington Divided Over Amendment One Issue

Which is the real anti-gerrymandering vote?

At a dinner party — held outside — last Saturday night, five Arlington Democrats talked about how they had voted on Amendment One.

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An American Patriot Wants YOU to VOTE

Local Vietnam Vet is a strong proponent of voting as a duty.

”Soupy” (John) Tyler walked into Jim Moore’s barber last July and asked him if he’d be willing to make up a sign about voting, something that would inspire people to get out and vote, and he’d be glad to cover the costs.

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It’s Only Oct. 22, But Looks Like Election Day in Arlington

Arlington has five early polling places.

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Chilly but Determined in Arlington

Most voters already voted before Election Day

Almost two-thirds of active registered voters in Arlington had voted either by mail or in person by Saturday when the in-person early voting closed in Virginia.

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The Pandemic Election

Virginia voters support Biden, Warner and a new redistricting commission.

Twenty years ago, Virginia was a red state. Republicans scored Virginia's electoral votes in every presidential election since LBJ was reelected in 1964. Republicans held both U.S. Senate seats. The Grand Old Party had all the statewide offices, a majority of the congressional delegation and both chambers of the General Assembly. That was the environment when Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, both Democrats, ran for governor and lieutenant governor.

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Arlington Volunteers Cure Ballots in North Carolina

Arlington activists canvassed in NC, and in Virginia’s 5th District for Cameron Webb, among others.

Sandra Garcia opened the chained door of her apartment in a low-income area of Raleigh, North Carolina.

Arlington County Unofficial Election Results

Arlington County Unofficial Election Results

Election Officers in Arlington Protect the Votes

Action was slow at the community center because of early voting.

As precinct chief, Caroline Klam has been watching over elections in Arlington for a long time.

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Reston Association Chooses New CEO

One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP

One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP

Information for Candidates for Local Elected Office in Alexandria

The City of Alexandria is providing information for candidates interested in running for local elected offices.