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Shirley Ruhe

Stories by Shirley

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Bugs and Hisses, Osprey Platforms and Honored with Award

What’s next for Susan Laume?

Susan Laume just received the Virginia Cooperative Extension Master Naturalist Volunteer of the Year Award for 2024.

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More Than 7 Inches of Snow in Arlington

Schools and almost everything else were closed Monday and Tuesday in Arlington as more than 7 inches of snow was recorded at National Airport.

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Arlington Police Department’s 17 Newest Officers

Arlington Police Department’s 17 Newest Officers

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Beveridge Brings Out the Best

Tom Beveridge sits at his Steinway piano with sunlight filtering through the corner window. He has agreed to play his first composition for piano, composed when he was 10 years old.

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A Taste of Turkey in the Middle of Arlington

A Taste of Turkey in the Middle of Arlington

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Early Thanksgiving for a Full House

Early Thanksgiving

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Turkey Week is Here At Last

Turkey Week is Here At Last

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Wild Rabbit to Used Car Salesman: Sugameli Plays It All

Returning to Arlington for premiere of ‘Three Mercedes.’

Three Mercedes

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New Goodwill Donation Express Opens in Arlington

The Center is open to receive donations Monday-Friday from 11 am-7 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 9 am-5 pm. Phone 703-565-2904

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Jack O’Loosa Inspires Young Pumpkin Artists

Jack O’Loosa Inspires Young Pumpkin Artists

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Film ‘The Test’ Tells Simple, Profound Story

Set at Goodwin House in Alexandria, story of striving to become a citizen.

Film ‘The Test’ Tells Simple, Profound Story

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Arlington Neighborhoods Turn Spooky

Arlington Neighborhoods Turn Spooky

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Calling All Birds: Culpepper Garden Is for You

Calling All Birds: Culpepper Garden Is for You

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DAR Service Project Preserves Stories for History

DAR Service Project Preserves Stories for History

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ACPD Engages Community

The Arlington County Police Department (ACPD) Community Engagement Division has already been busy the first week of October engaging the community through two Coffee With A Cop events on Oct. 2 as well as an Essentials Drive on Oct. 4.

Arlington Program Focuses on Fathers

Silbert Harrison Grant is passionate about fathers. “When you help the father, you are also helping the mother and the kids — the whole family, and that helps the community.” Grant is Coordinator of Fatherhood Enhancement with Child and Family Services for the Arlington County Department of Human Services (DHS).

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Family Fun Day Returns at Calloway UMC

It is the season for fall festivals in Arlington including Clarendon Days, St. Ann’s Fall Festival and Calloway United Methodist Church Family Fun Days on Saturday, Sept. 28.

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From Ashes to Hope: Stories After Incarceration

Alexandria Film Festival features diversity of films in upcoming event

Alexandria Film Festival features diversity of films in upcoming event

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Eat Fresh, Eat Local at Your Neighborhood Farmers Market

The Farmers Markets in Arlington have a rich history going back to the establishment of the first market at Courthouse parking lot in 1979.

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Green Valley Day: Behind the Scenes

With 1,000 attendees, the details matter.

With 1,000 attendees, the details matter.

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Prison Reform Takes Long, Tortuous Path

Del. Hope advocates for more humane conditions for incarcerated people.

Del. Patrick Hope (D-47) spearheaded legislation this session that creates a state ombudsman over the Department of Corrections.

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Neighbors Across Arlington Enjoy National Night Out

Neighbors in communities across Arlington closed their doors and ventured out to celebrate National Night Out on Aug. 6. This nationwide event is held the first Tuesday in August to help people get to know their neighbors and to foster good community relations with the police and other emergency responders.

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Alexandria Film Festival — Behind the Scenes

Interview with Patti North, executive director and founder of the Alexandria Film Festival

The Alexandria Film Festival will run from Nov. 7-10 in several venues around Alexandria. It features high quality short and feature length films, documentaries, filmmaker panels and arts presentations. This is the first in a series of articles focusing on the background, the process and a look at the movers and shakers who make it all happen.

So Many Choices at the Arlington Fair

Make plans early to fit it all in.

Make plans early to fit it all in.

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Drop Off Extra Produce to Help Needy Families

Drop Off Extra Produce to Help Needy Families

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Too Many Deer in Arlington — Now What?

The recent debate about deer management in Arlington has aroused some mixed emotions about the best method to cut back the deer population or whether it is needed at all.

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The Tradition Goes On at Lyon Village

The usual red, white and blue banner is unfurled across the street and held aloft by many of the regulars at the beginning of the parade. GJ Carten, a long-time participant, remembers the Lyon Village picnic started in 1972, and the parade was added in 1980.

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Seniors Quilt Keeps History Alive

History is kept alive in many ways—through historical novels, ballads, folklore passed down through the generations. For one group of Arlington seniors, local history of the now closed Lee Center is being kept alive through the display of a quilt they pieced together in 2000.

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Tour of Amazon’s New Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden added to 2.5 acres of Amazon Met Park

Butterfly Garden added to 2.5 acres of Amazon Met Park

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Blueberries Gone Before You Know It

Cars line up, trunks open in the parking lot of Cherrydale United Methodist Church on Lorcom Lane Friday, June 21 to pick up their 10-pound boxes of fresh blueberries.

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Arlington Chamber Celebrates Economic Development

Awards presented to first responders & public safety personnel

The Arlington Chamber of Commerce held its State of the County & Public Safety Awards breakfast on Tuesday, June 25 at the Army Navy Country Club.

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AFAC Has Served 2 Million Families

This week Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) commemorated serving two million families since they began in 1988.

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County Tackles Food Security with New Round of Grants

The Arlington County Department of Human Services (DHS) announced June 3 a second round of grants aimed at improving food security in Arlington. The funding will be available to area 501(c)(3) organizations, faith-based groups and schools and universities that support aspects of Arlington’s Food Security Strategic Plan, with the maximum grant award $25,000.

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Ready, Set, Read

Summer reading adventure is underway.

The Arlington Library kicked off its summer reading adventure on Saturday, June 1 with fun activities, games and popsicles at the eight library locations.

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Guest House Celebrates 50 Years

It all began in 1975 with one woman’s dream to help women returning into society from prison who had committed nonviolent crimes. At the time there was no place for them to go and still today, Guest House is the only residential facility for these women in Northern Virginia.

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Encore Theatre Supporters

Encore Theatre Supporters

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Alverson Leaves a Sweet Legacy

Blood drive initiative in Jimmy’s memory

Blood drive initiative in Jimmy’s memory

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Bike to Work or Just For Fun

BTW 2024 in Arlington
